Meet The Real Grandpa, Biography.

Grandpa | Biography

Who is "Grandpa"?

Let me first tell you about a few important factors you should know about Grandpa.

He's NOT widely known by any standards. Quite contrary; he is as private as one might get.

  • Nobody knows his real name.
  • Nobody knows where he sleeps.

For ordinary people mortals like you and me, he is known only as "Grandpa."

Grandpa is likely the "only guy left" who knows enough to say it like it is.

He knows the Offshore Concept and all the Offshore Strategies there is to know.

Grandpa has been living the sweet worry-free Perpetual Traveller life one can only dream of!

 It's safe to say when it comes to any Offshore Concept like Protecting Your Privacy, Minimize Your Taxes or Protecting Your Assets from the greedy, grabby hands of Big Brother, Grandpa is the go-to-guy.

 (perpetual traveler; a person that doesn't belong to any government)

  For over 50 long years he's been more or less invisible to almost any kind of government official or questionable Big Brothers out there. PLUS he's been paying ZERO taxes, legally for more than 50 years.

  Updated info Feb. 2015

  Our editor-in-chief, who like all anonymous PTs, prefers to be known under his pen-name of "Grandpa," has been living as an offshore international man for over fifty-five years. He's a lively old raconteur and writer who believes passionately in freedom, privacy and the right of the individual to do exactly as he pleases with time and his own hard-earned money.

  Grandpa speaks several languages, has practised tax and immigration law, and is a graduate of Wharton, the world’s top business school and also top law schools. He earned a doctorate which he calls "PhD." - "a B.S. Piled Higher & Deeper" He's a lawyer who doesn't like lawyers very much.

  Gramps has vast experience in coping with bureaucracy in more than twenty-two countries, including the USA, UK, and Switzerland. Since the original Bye Bye Big Brother reports (The Black Books) were published he has been acknowledged as the leading expert on second passports and citizenship, international private banking, and alternative asset protection.

  All reports in the Bye Bye Big Brother series are written in Grandpa's inimitable 'parable style' -- packed with many real-life onshore and offshore case studies. To prevent the boredom that might come from a legal text, the material is not presented as boring lists or "rules" but rather as very interesting tales about real people. What is it? Mostly case studies - just like at Harvard!

  Why, though, does Grandpa remain anonymous? There's a simple answer: He follows his own advice. Grandpa and the BBBB team have uncovered and frequently revealed stuff they can talk about only anonymously. In their home countries, they might be harassed, charged with conspiracy, or even face jail time. Freedom isn’t free and it is dangerous to be right when your government is wrong.

  The Bye Bye Big Brother series also has lots of others: Contributors, co-authors, and reader comments from people like you. Some are top offshore lawyers and private bankers. One is a retired diplomat, the author of Le Livre du Corps Diplomatique - a guide (published in English) available to BBBB Members explaining the world of diplomatic appointments and how you can become an honorary consul. If you knew their 'real' names, you might well have read about them. Some are "controversial" figures. All authors contribute on the condition of anonymity.

  If you contact any of us personally by email and meet socially, on our (free) PT Refuge website, you may actually even get involved in international deals and get to know a few of us personally. All book buyers get free membership in the PT Refuge.

  Grandpa follows in the tradition of predecessor PT writers he knew and worked with - including the legendary Dr W.G. Hill (Scope International), Harry Browne (How to Find Freedom in an Unfree World), and Harry Schultz of Monaco --the #1 Newsletter writer.

  Grandpa still offers personal consulting services but only to 2 per year, and those who have read his most recent book, Bye Bye Big Brother. Although Grandpa is semi-retired in Monte Carlo, Monaco, and enjoying the PT life, he will take on very few new personal consulting clients this year.

  Grandpa is, among other things, both a lawyer and a Wharton B-School grad with 60 years of PT experience.

Messages from Grandpa

  I prefer to stay behind the scenes as much as possible. I've never agreed to appear on TV. I won't let anyone publish my picture. I am not willing to sacrifice my privacy for anything. That is why I am (and you should be) a Perpetual Traveler, invisible in plain sight yet seemingly always passing through.

  There are simple steps everyone could take to protect themselves. They are simply using one or more of the "Six Flags" I talk about in all my writings.

 The sheep cannot and will not profit from my advice but,

 If you have read this far, perhaps you will?

 Let me state this as firmly and as plainly as I can...

 No paper currency has ever survived longer than a few generations. Most have not survived even a few decades. Thus, to keep your money in money for more than the very short term is a terrible idea.

   Most people have NO IDEA what's happening to the world around them.

  The vast majority ARE TOTALLY UNPREPARED for coming predictable and unpredictable changes.

Anyone can see changes taking place right before our very eyes:

¢ The prices of food, oil, and other commodities like silver, gold, cotton, copper, sugar, corn, aluminium, steel, and wheat skyrocket.

¢ Currency can lose up to 6% of its value in a day.

¢ Yet people keep money on deposit for 2 or 3% per YEAR.

None of this is any surprise.

When the Federal Reserve began printing trillions of dollars without any backing every one with half a brain knew Americans would face a serious currency crisis and massive inflation.

Pensions, healthcare, and paper-denominated assets could all become worthless. When any government is broke, or when the interest rates rise even slightly, existing government obligations will take infinitely more money to support than taxes can raise...

What steps can you take to protect yourself and your family?
I've updated all of the critical information in our Booklist...
I will show you how you can still protect yourself and your family.
It is NOT (yet) too late.

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